Installation & Licensing Center
ERROR - Licensed Number of Users Already Reached
Authored by Aaron Schedlin
April 19th, 2023
Upon launching Ansys, you receive an error stating insufficient licenses available. Licensed number of users already reached. Example:
Failover feature 'Ansys Mechanical Enterprise' is not available. Insufficient Ansys Mechanical Enterprise licenses available. Licensed number of users already reached. Feature: ansys License path: 1055@LicenseServer; FlexNet Licensing error:-4, 132
Software & Version
Mechanical 2023R1
Electronics 2023R1
Fluent 2023R1
*This documented instance of this error occurred in this version but is not necessarily limited to this version.
- You are trying to use more licenses than you are entitled for, or other users have those licenses checked out.
- You have enough licenses issued to you, but one of them is stuck or checked out.
- You haven't installed a newly purchased license.
*The cause(s) we identified in this documented instance may not be the only cause(s) for this error.
- Determine Who is Using Licensing: HOW TO - View License Usage & Status
- Release a Stuck License: HOW TO - Release a Stuck/Reserved/Abandoned License
- Install a Newly Purchased License: Install an Ansys License File