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ERROR When attempting to edit any analysis systems in Workbench, you see cascading windows with the header of Script Error. Script Error Line: 57476 Char: 4 Error: 'ds.Tree.FirstActiveBranch.PointMasses' is null or not an object Code: 800a138f Source: Microsoft JScript runtime error Script: var pointMassObjs = ds.TreeFirstActiveBranch.PointMasses; S
Description This article will explain how to integrate Electronics EM Suite with Ansys Workbench Solution Click on your Start menu and search for "Modify Integration with Ansys 2023 R2, replacing 2023 R2 with the version of Ansys you would like to integrate Electronics with. Right click on the application and Run as Administrator. Click OK on the
Error Error occurs when trying to refresh the queues on the HPC resource in RSM Configuration Querying cluster queues failed: Problem during getAllQueues. The parser was unable to parse the output and did not output the variable: RSM_HPC_OUTPUT_GENERIC. Error: bash: /RSM/Config/scripts/../../ARC/tools/linux64/arcqueues: No such file or directory Out
Description The following are steps for installing/uninstalling Ansys products silently. Solution Silent Install Obtain the primary package from In this example, we will be installing Structures: Extract the files to the PC you are installing on. Recommend C:\Temp\Structures2024R1 for this example. Open a command prompt with Run
ERROR When adding a license file in License Management Center or when attempting to start the license manager after making changes to the vendor daemon port. Attempting to start the license manager…Issues encountered while confirming license files have consistent values where required:Error: The port numbers are not the same in all license files. So
ERROR You attempt to launch RSM Cluster Load Monitoring, but nothing happens. How it should appear: Software & Version RSM 2024R2 *This example was taken from this version but is not necessarily limited to this version. Description/Cause There are files missing from C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v242\RSM\bin\FrameworkDependencies *The cause(s)/solu
ERROR Windows Defender or other software has detected an unchecked error condition vulnerability in Apache Tomcat. Software & Version Ansys License Manager 2024R2 *This example was taken from this version but is not necessarily limited to this version. Description/Cause Microsoft has detected this as a vulnerability because the authentication pr
ERROR When trying to run a solve you receive an error message stating Request name 1 does not exist in the license pool. ANSYS LICENSE MANAGER ERROR: Request name 1 does not exist in the licensing pool. No such feature exists. Feature: 1 License path: 1055@LicenseServerName FlexNet Licensing error:-5,147 *** ERROR - ANSYS license not available. Soft
ERROR Attempting to uninstall Ansys using the Uninstall.exe. You do not have options to Select All or check boxes next to applications. Run As Administrator was selected as well. Select All & Check boxes missing: What Uninstall.exe should look like: Software & Version Ansys Structures 2023R2 *This example was taken from this version but is n
ERROR When attempting to open one or more Mechanical systems in a particular workbench project, you receive the following error: Typically, this may occur following an unexpected closing of the project, such as sudden system shutdown or a Workbench crash, during a solve. Mechanical failed to open the database: The Mechanical database file does not e
ERROR Ansys was closed mid-solve > upon opening the project again the following error appeared: An unexpected error has occurred: Failed to back up file XXXX\MECH\file.rst The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. Software & Version Workbench (All versions) *This example does not show which version. As su
ERROR A script error similar to the one shown below occurs whenever you import geometry into Ansys Workbench’s Mechanical application. SCript Error Line: 57741 Char: 8 Error: Type mismatch Code: 800a00d Source: JavaScript runtime error Script: g_UIHandler.TreeHandler.RemoveAndFillChildNodes(parentNode); Software & Version Workbench 2023R2, 202
ERROR When attempting to install Ansys, you get a pop-up window indicating a critical error. Critical Error: (Not Responding) Software & Version Structures 2024R1 *This example was taken from this version but is not necessarily limited to this version. Description/Cause Cause is unknown at this time. *The cause(s) we identified in this documente
ERROR License Manager will not start after hostname of the server was changed. “NewHostName”: Not a valid server hostname, exiting.Valid license server system hosts are: “OldHostName”Using license file "C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared Files\Licensing\license_files\ansyslmd.licUnable to kill lmgrd.exe. Please kill this manually by opening the Tas
ERROR Error occurs when trying to open a project that you were able to open previously. The design point file to be loaded does not exist:Path to file location\designPoint.wbdp Software & Version Mechanical version 19.1 *This example was taken from this version but is not necessarily limited to this version. Description/Cause In this case, the f
Description This article is to assist with obtaining elastic licensing credentials as well as adding those credentials in the client License Settings. Solution Obtaining Elastic License Credentials NOTE: These steps can only be done by an Ansys Support Coordinator or Portal Administrator. Sign into and search for your company e
ERROR When running solves through RSM, the job is using two licenses instead of one. Software & Version RSM 2024R2 *This example was taken from this version but is not necessarily limited to this version. Description/Cause The setting “Solve in synchronous mode” is enabled or “Release License for pending jobs is not set to” Always." *The cause(s
ERROR When launching Blade Modeller in CFX, you receive an error CFX_BLADE_MODELLER:user@hostname.hostserver:winx64 port:IP Address License Handler Disconnected: system error: 10093 "Either the application has not called WSAStartup, or WSAStartup failed. Software & Version CFX Blade Modeller *This example was taken from this version but is not
ERROR Ansys Workbench icon not showing in SolidWorks ribbon though Ansys is installed, properly installed and CAD Configuration Manager was properly configured. Software & Version Workbench 2022R1 *This example was taken from this version but is not necessarily limited to this version. Description/Cause Depending on which version of SolidWorks y
ERROR When launching Electronics Desktop after the loading screen the project launches in Twin Builder or another desktop configuration other than Electronics Desktop. Software & Version Electronics Desktop 2023R1 *This documented instance of this error occurred in this version but is not necessarily limited to this version. Description/Cause Th
Description This article provides instructions on how to modify your installed Ansys License Files (ansyslmd.lic) file in the event that the hostname of the device hosting your licensing is changed or does not match the hostname found in your license file. Solution Warning Any future license files received/installed will have to be modified to refle
ERROR When adding a license file > after the loading screen > you receive the following error message and are unable to load the license file. Error: Failed to stop the license manager Software & Version License Manager Release 2022 R2 *This example was taken from this version but is not necessarily limited to this version. Description/Cau
ERROR You are unable to retrieve shared web licensing either from On Demand or Roaming. Shared Web checkout call to LicensingSettingsUtility for 1 tasks of feature XXXX failed: Error Detail: The server could not reserve the requested product quantities. Please refer to the details provided in the diagnostic value. Status code: 400 Help URL: https://
ERROR You receive a license error when trying to open Discovery by right clicking the geometry in Workbench. Request name disco_level2 does not exist in the licensing pool. No such feature exists. Feature: disco_level2 License path: 1055@LicenseServer FlexNet Licensing error;-5,147 Software & Version Workbench 2023R2 *This example was taken from
ERROR You attempt to add a license file in Ansys License Manager and you receive this error. Invalid Option for This License Server The selected License Management Center option is not valid for license server machines that are set up with the following license manager run modes: Run the ANSYS Licensing Interconnect without FlexNet Run the ANSYS Lic
Description This article will show you how to manage users and groups for Shared Web Licensing Shared Web Licensing is a licensing service, hosted by Ansys, that does not require any local licensing sever. Ansys software connects over the internet to the license server. Managing users and groups is done via the Ansys ID Portal, and assigning entitl
ERROR You receive this error when opening an archived workbench project file. Error An error occurred while reading the database streams. Please send the database to your ANSYS support distributor:[221210621;41319] Software & Version Workbench 2024R1 *This example was taken from this version but is not necessarily limited to this version. Descri
ERROR Error occurs when submitting a job through RSM or when testing the remote host connection. Error! Failed to validate credentials: System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it <IP Address> Please resolve the error above before trying again. Software & Version RSM 2024R2
ERROR You attempt to use one or more HPC packs since upgrading to 2024R1 but receive a licensing error. Software & Version Ansys 2024R1 Description/Cause This is a known issue that has been addressed in the Service Pack release. Solution Go to, expand Service Packs and download Service Pack 5. If you do not have access to
Description This article helps ASC's and Portal Administrators to deactivate a license. Solution Log on to the Ansys Licensing Portal. Select a customer from the Customer Number (Customer Name) dropdown menu. Click Activations > Manage Activations. Click on the Deactivate icon to deactivate the active entitlements from the corresponding server.
ERROR Upon launching Ansys, you receive an error stating insufficient licenses available. Licensed number of users already reached. Example: Failover feature 'Ansys Mechanical Enterprise' is not available. Insufficient Ansys Mechanical Enterprise licenses available. Licensed number of users already reached. Feature: ansys License path: 1055@License
ERROR When launching Workbench you receive this error: Request name disco_level1 does not exist in the licensing pool. Cannot connect to the license sever system.The license server manager (lmgrd) has not been started yet, the wrong port@host or license file is being used, or the port or hostname in the license file has been changed.Feature: disco_l
ERROR Fatal error occurs when attempting to open Workbench project files in File Explorer. Opening Workbench project files through Workbench works without error. Framework error caught : Unknown command line open “File Path of file”, valid options are : -A addinsfile: Use addins file ‘addins’ -B : Run in batch -C configfile: Use configuration ‘confi
ERROR In this case, error occurs when attempting to launch Fluent. This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. Available platform plugins are:windows. Software & Version Fluent 2024R2 *This example was taken from this version but is not necessarily limite
ERROR When using the Discovery Licensing Mode Manager to switch from Floating to Subscription mode, you are not presented with a login prompt to sign into SpaceClaim with a named user account. Software & Version SpaceClaim 2023R2 Description/Cause Cause is unknown at this time. Ansys Development Team is due to release patch available on 10/11/
ERROR When launching Workbench, you receive an unexpected error. Unexpected error: The type initializer for ‘Ansys.Core.Expressions.ExpressionEvaluator’ threw an exception. Software & Version ***Workbench 2023R2 *This example was taken from this version but is not necessarily limited to this version. Description/Cause IronRuby software installed
Description This article will assist in changing your Graphics Settings to High Performance for all installed Ansys applications. Normally, you would need to change the setting for each application in Windows Graphics Settings: Solution In your Start menu, search for regedit, right click on it and Run As Administrator Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\S
Description This article will walk you through steps to remove the SSL vulnerability that network security scans may reveal. This occurs from older installations of Ansys License Manager. Upgrading License Manager will install on top of the previous version(s) installed, leaving behind files from the older versions. This is not an actual vulnerabili
ERROR You receive an error that you do not have permission to copy files into the installation folder even when running the installation with Run as Administrator rights. Software & Version OpticStudio 2023R2 *This example was taken from this version but is not necessarily limited to this version. Description/Cause Controlled Folder Access is
ERROR When launching OpticStudio you receive an error stating no license found. Zemax Error Message No license for OpticStudio was found. If you are attempting to run from a USB key, ensure that the key is plugged in. To activate a new Softkey, open Zemax License Manager Software & Version OpticStudio 2023R1 *This example was taken from this ver
Description License sharing allows you to work across multiple instances of the same applications while consuming only one of a single type of license per user per session. Using shared licensing, the active application holds the license, preventing other applications that are sharing that same license increment/key from using it during that time.
ERROR After installing Thermal Desktop, you receive the following error: Using CRTEch LicensingUnable to get a license.Thermal Desktop will now terminate.Thermal Desktop: -25RadCAD: 0FloCAD: 0Sinda: 0TDDirect: 0HPC: 0 After selecting OK, the CRTech license manager will come up.From the license manager, please select ‘Run Report’ and send the results
ERROR Error occurs when launching Electronics Desktop. Failover feature ‘ANSYS electronics_desktop’ is not available. No valid FLEXlm servers specified. Software & Version Electronics Desktop 2022 R1 *This documented instance of this error occurred in this version but is not necessarily limited to this version. Description/Cause Electronics Desk
ERROR After upgrading to a newer version of the Ansys client software, in this case 2024R1, when running the software, you receive an error stating the version of the vendor daemon is too old. Older versions of Ansys work without error. Version of vendor daemon is too old.Feature: electronics3d_guiLicense path:1055@ServerNameFlexNet Licensing error:
Error Multiple Script errors cascade on screen when opening Mechanical from Workbench: Script ErrorLine: 75042Char: 1Error:Code: 80004005Source:Script: if (ds.Graphics.CameraMode ==id_DefineCutPlan) Software & Version *********Workbench 2023R1******* *This documented instance of this error occurred in this version but is not necessarily limite
ERROR Error occurs after clicking Start on a Fluent job. Unexpected license problem; exiting Hit return to exit. Software & Version Fluent 2024R2 *This example was taken from this version but is not necessarily limited to this version. Description/Cause This is a generic error message that occurs when Shared Web licensing is enabled (but not in
ERROR Error occurs when adding a license file. The required license file was not found in: C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared Files\licensing\license_files The license manager is running. However, it's FlexNet component is not running correctly. To resolve this issue, please manually kill (in the order listed) the ansysli_monitor, ansysli_server and
ERROR When attempting to borrow a license in Client License Settings you receive an error stating “No Borrowable Licenses Available.” Example: No Borrowable Licenses available Software & Version Licensing Client Settings 2022 R2 *This documented instance of this error occurred in this version but is not necessarily limited to this version.
Description The following steps can be used to recover most of the analysis systems within a project. Solution In your corrupted project page, go to "View" in the menu and tick “Files” and "Properties" Click the corrupted analysis block. In the properties view you will find the corresponding system ID. In the Files list find the corresponding “.me
Description This article explains how to restore the results file from a corrupted project. Also see - HOW TO - Restore a Corrupted Analysis Solution In the corrupted project search for the required “.rst” file and Open the Containing Folder. Open Mechanical from the restored Workbench project, click Solution in the tree and then the corresponding
ERROR You recently installed License Manager 2024R2 and when it launches you are able to see the side menu options, but nothing on the right side. What it looks like: What it should look like: Software & Version License Manager 2024R2 *This example was taken from this version but is not necessarily limited to this version. Description/Cause Beca
ERROR Switching network adapters or VPN connections causes an additional license to check out. Example: Connected on ethernet, you disconnect and connect to wifi Software & Version Ansys 2023 R1 or later *This documented instance of this error occurred in this version but is not necessarily limited to this version. Description/Cause FlexLM se
Description This article will assist those with Ansys License Portal access in locating and viewing license entitlements. Solution Login to the Ansys Licensing Portal ( Also see - HOW TO - Access the Ansys Licensing Portal Select Leases/Perpetuals to view both FlextNet and Shared web licensing products that your company owns. Sel
ERROR In Electronics Desktop, you attempt to run a solve and get an error in Message Manager. Failed to check out license 'hfss_solve.' No such license exists (FLEXlm Error-5) Simulation was terminated by license error. Software & Version Electronics Desktop 2019 *This example was taken from this version but is not necessarily limited to this
ERROR You launch Electronics Desktop and see the Ansys Electronics Desktop splash screen but after it goes away Electronics Desktop does not open and is not running in Task Manager. Software & Version Electronics Desktop 2024 R1 *This example was taken from this version but is not necessarily limited to this version. Description/Cause Corrupted
ERROR Attempting to run a simulation remotely using EDT RSM, you receive errors in Message Manager saying that it failed to copy a local file. Failed to copy local file C:\Users\<filepath> File transfer failed! --Simulating on machine:<machinename> Simulation was aborted by user on server: <servername> Software & Version Electr
ERROR When creating a script using the shell option, the script snippet is empty. Software & Version Mechanical 2024R2 *This example was taken from this version but is not necessarily limited to this version. Description/Cause Cause is unknown at this time. *The cause(s)/solution(s) we identified in this documented instance may not be the only c
Error Not able to normally edit contours in Mechanical. Expected Behavior: Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Software & Version Mechanical 2023 R1 *This documented instance of this error occurred in this version but is not necessarily limited to this version. Description/Cause This typically occurs on a laptop with Nvidia RTX graphics c
ERROR Project contains data that requires software modules that are not installed. This project contains data that requires software modules that are not installed, see Details below. Please install the required modules and try again.Details:Ansys.Ansoft.CoreAddIn.AddIn Software & Version ***Workbench 2023R2*** *This example was taken from this
ERROR In this case, the error occurs when importing an ODB++ file in Electronics Desktop. Anstranslator failed to generate initial import configuration (control file.) See Message Window for additional detail.Control File Translation: Cannot checkout Elec_Solve_1 and elec_solve_level2\No FlexNet Publisher (FNP) license found for feature Ansys Electr
ERROR When Right clicking Material Designer in Workbench, you do not have the option to open a new MD Expected Behavior: Actual Behavior: Software & Version ***Workbench 2021R2*** *This example was taken from this version but is not necessarily limited to this version. Description/Cause There was a licensing related bug in 2021R2 that was fix
ERROR In this case, when Structures 2024R2 was installed on the workstation, Inventor would crash shortly after launching. Software & Version Structures 2024R2 *This example was taken from this version but is not necessarily limited to this version. Description/Cause It was determined that the Inventor CAD plug-in was previously configured for
ERROR When launching ANS_ADMIN 2021R1, you receive the following error message: Error in startup script can't read "env(ANSYS_SYSDIR)": no such variable while executing "set SYSDIR $env(ANSYS_SYSDIR)" (file "C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v211\ANSYS\bin\winx64\xansadmin.tcl" line 54) Software & Version ANS ADMIN 2021R1 *This example was taken from t
ERROR Intermittently not being able to access licensing even though licenses are available. When checking License Settings, it indicates the server machine is down or not responding. lmgrd is not running: License server machine is down or not responding. (-96,7:11001 "WinSock: Host not found (HOST_NOT_FOUND)") 1055@ServerName Software & Version
ERROR Error occurs when trying to run a job in Fluent. ANSYS LICENSE MANAGER ERROR Request name cfd_solve_level2 does not exist in the licensing pool. Cannot connect to license server system. The license server manager (lmgrd) has not been started yet, the wrong port@host or license file is being used, or the port or hostname in the license file
ERROR You receive an error message indicating that licensed number of users already reached. Though this error can indicate that others are using all available licenses, in this case, the user attempting to retrieve the license had also borrowed the same license increment(s). ANSYS LICENSE MANAGER ERROR Licensed number of users already reached. Feat
ERROR When running a simulation, you get the below error message: Object must be a root directory (“C:\”) or a drive letter (“C”).Details:System.ArgumentException: Object must be a root directory (“C:\”) or a drive letter (“C”).At System.IO.DriveInfo..ctor (String driveName)At Ansys.Core.Persistence.ProjectSaveHandler.DoProjectSave()…Ansys.Core.Comm
ERROR You are attempting to attach a geometry but get an error saying that it was unable to do so. Unable to attach to geometry file C:\Users\Username\FileLocation\filename.stp Unable to attach geometry. Error! PlugIn Error: The required license is unavailable. Software & Version Workbench 2025R1 *This example was taken from this version but is
ERROR Workbench button is visible in Inventor but when clicked nothing happens or you receive a plug-in error. Example: Software & Version *********Workbench 2022R2******* *This documented instance of this error occurred in this version but is not necessarily limited to this version. Description/Cause This could happen if previous versions of
ERROR Login to the Ansys Licensing Portal ( > click Lease/Perpetuals. Entitlements > Leases/PerpetualsPlease contact your sales representative to request a machine change. Software & Version Ansys Licensing Portal. Description/Cause At the time of this article was created, only a lim
ERROR When installing a new license file you receive an error stating the license will not be installed. Error: This type of license file must be appended to the end of the existing license file that is already installed on your machine. However, the SERVER information in the new license files does not match the SERVER information in the existing li
ERROR When launching Workbench on a high-resolution monitor, the text in the toolbox is cut off and the overall size of the Workbench window is small. Software & Version ***Workbench 2024R1*** *This example was taken from this version but is not necessarily limited to this version. Description/Cause Workbench is retrieving the display settings f
ERROR When using Ansys in batch mode, you may encounter this error in between runs. Intel(r) Visual Fortran run-time error forrt;: severe (47): write to READONLY file, unit 6, file <filepath> Image PC Routine Line Source Software & Version ***Workbench 2023R2*** *This example was taken from this version but is not necessarily limited to th
ERROR When gathering diagnostic logs in License Settings 2023 R1 you receive a HttpErrorResponse . Example: Error: {"headers":{"normilizedNames":{}, "lazyUpdate":null,"headers":{}}."status":0,"statusText":Unknown Error","url","/api/getDiagnosticInfo","ok:false,"name":HttpErrorResponse","message":"Http failure response for /api/getDiagnosticInfo: 0
ERROR When you have upgraded from legacy Icepak licensing to modern Icepak licensing (Electronics Premium IcePak in this case) you may receive this error. Increments are installed and available on license server. User launches, receives error that legacy Icepak licensing increments are unavailable: License Error ANSYS LICENSE MANAGER ERROR:Failover
ERROR When submitting a job via RSM you receive an error message. Example:[2023-04-04 3:56:52 PM] Submission in progress... 31 | [2023-04-04 3:56:53 PM] Proxy process identifier could not be determined. Probably couldn't be started. 30 | [2023-04-04 3:56:52 PM] Submission in progress... 31 | [2023-04-04 3:56:
Description This article will describe how you can change which license Mechanical APDL will use when launched. Solution Locate Ansys Mechanical APDL Product Launcher in your Start menu. Be sure to select the version you wish to modify. In the main window, click on the drop down and select the license you wish to utilize: Click File>Exit and save
Description Backup applications such as but not limited to OneDrive, Google Drive, Dropbox and other file synchronization solutions have been known to cause project corruption and missing files. This can be due to files being locked by the backup software. OneDrive in particular can cause poor performance during solves if a large amount of I/O is re
ERROR Explicit dynamics cannot use the distributed solver, even with 1 core. Only shared memory is possible. We have seen this issue on any version. Example solve.out: Software & Version Mechanical 2024R2 *This example was taken from this version but is not necessarily limited to this version. Description/Cause Known issue with all versions. *Th
Description The Ansys Licensing Portal (LP) ( is an online website where customers with an active subscription can view, manage and download their FlexNet Licenses, Shared Web Licensing and Elastic Web Licensing. Requirements for Access Signup for an Ansys Account If you are the Ansys Support Coordinator (ASC), you must sign-up
ERROR When installing the LSTC version of LS-Dyna License Manager, you get an error saying it cannot open ‘server_data’ in installation directory. Cannot open 'server_data' in installation directory. "C:\Program Files\LSTC\LicenseManager The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect. Software & Version LSTC LS-Dyna *This exam
ERROR Error occurs when trying to run APDL Launcher in Ansys 2024R2 ANSYS Product Launcher Failed to get environment variable AWP_ROOT242, so cannot update PATH env var. Software & Version APDL Launcher 2024R2 *This example was taken from this version but is not necessarily limited to this version. Description/Cause Either the environment variab
ERROR Attempting to load LS-DYNA through Workbench you get the following error: ACT Extensions could not be loaded. You may encounter limited behavior if you proceed with project interacton. Please see details for more information. LSDYNA: ANSYSMotion MechanicalDropTest: Software & Version Workbench/LS-DYNA 2024R2 *This example was taken from th
ERROR When using the automated installer to install Ansys applications, you are able to sign in but then receive an error message that access to the file was denied or that your file couldn't be accessed. Error if Microsoft Edge is your default browser: Error if Google Chrome is your default browser: Access to the file was denied The file at file:
ERROR Model does not appear in the blue window pane. Options like Zoom to Fit or different display settings do not correct the issue. Software & Version Mechanical 2022 R1 *This example was taken from this version but is not necessarily limited to this version. Description/Cause In this case, both the graphics card driver and the BIOS were out o
ERROR This error occurs when trying to solve and save a model. 'Edit...' threw an exception during EndUITransaction: A device attached to the system is not functioning. A device attached to the system is not functioning. 'Save' threw and exception during EndUITransaction: A device attached to the system is not functioning. Software & Version Wor
Error Attempting to search for your company by name or customer number in gives “no customers found” in results. No customers found. Software & Version Ansys Licensing Portal Description/Cause You do not have access permissions to your companies licensing portal with the account you are signed in with. Solution Identify who y
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