Installation & Licensing Center
ERROR - Shared Web Checkout call to LicensingSettingsUtility failed
Authored by Aaron Schedlin December 16th, 2024 223 views 0 likes KB2975098
You are unable to retrieve shared web licensing either from On Demand or Roaming.
Shared Web checkout call to LicensingSettingsUtility for 1 tasks of feature XXXX failed:
Error Detail: The server could not reserve the requested product quantities. Please refer to the details provided in the diagnostic value.
Status code: 400
Help URL:
Diagnostic Detail: ProductCheckOutError; Product reservation error: insufficient resources to reserve quantity 1 of product id"XXXX"; Operation id:XXXX
Software & Version
SpaceClaim/Discovery 2024R2
*This example was taken from this version but is not necessarily limited to this version.
Possible corrupted local cache of cache.json and token.json files.
*The cause(s)/solution(s) we identified in this documented instance may not be the only cause(s)/solution(s) for this error.
- Navigate to C:\Users\yourusername\.ansys\ansysid
- Delete the cache.json and token.json files from that directory and try again