Installation & Licensing Center
ERROR - Failed to get Environment Variable AWP_ROOT242
Authored by Aaron Schedlin August 1st, 2024 1288 views 0 likes KB2704124
Error occurs when trying to run APDL Launcher in Ansys 2024R2
ANSYS Product Launcher
Failed to get environment variable AWP_ROOT242, so cannot update PATH env var.
Software & Version
APDL Launcher 2024R2
*This example was taken from this version but is not necessarily limited to this version.
Either the environment variable was not created during installation, or the variable was corrupted during installation.
*The cause(s)/solution(s) we identified in this documented instance may not be the only cause(s)/solution(s) for this error.
- Add the variable if missing. Variable is AWP_ROOT242 Value is C:\Program Files\Ansys Inc\v242 HOW TO - Create an Environment Variable
- If variable is present, delete it and recreate it with the steps from above.