Installation & Licensing Center
ERROR - No license for OpticStudio was found
Authored by Aaron Schedlin August 28th, 2023 2790 views 2 likes KB2137934
When launching OpticStudio you receive an error stating no license found.
Zemax Error Message
No license for OpticStudio was found. If you are attempting to run from a USB key, ensure that the key is plugged in. To activate a new Softkey, open Zemax License Manager
Software & Version
OpticStudio 2023R1
*This example was taken from this version but is not necessarily limited to this version.
In this case, an older version of Zemax OpticStudio was installed and new licensing issued through Ansys was in use.
*The cause(s) we identified in this documented instance may not be the only cause(s) for this error.
- Uninstall older version of OpticStudio as well as Zemax License Manager.
- Install OpticStudio 2023 R2 or latest version.