Installation & Licensing Center
HOW TO - Verify the Integrity of Installation Files
Authored by Caleb Scharf August 5th, 2023 8244 views 1 likes KB956098
If you're troubleshooting a stubborn issue with Ansys software, verifying the following items will help rule out several possible causes we have observed.
Step #1 - Verify Installation Files Are Saved Locally
Installing Ansys from a network drive or over a VPN can cause problems with the extraction process, and or accessibility of the files depending on network conditions, and has been known to produce errors that go undetected at the time of the install.
Step #2 - Verify Installation Files Are Not Corrupted (optional)
While very rare, installation files can get corrupted during a download. If you suspect your installation files may be corrupt, perform this process to ensure they aren't.
- Go to the download section of the Ansys Customer Portal.
- Browse to and hover the mouse of the download link to the files you downloaded.
- Take note of the md5sum value:
Open PowerShell and run the following command, using the file path to your file name.
CertUtil -hashfile "
" MD5
- Compare the two md5sum hash values.
- If they are not the same, delete the file you downloaded, re-download the file and repeat this process until they match.
- If you download multiple files, you will need to repeat this compare process for each file.
Step #3 - Verify Zip Files Were Extracted Successfully
While very rare, were have seen instances where the Windows extraction utility does not properly extract all files. If you downloaded a Zip file (vs an ISO file), install and use a free open source utility called 7Zip to unzip the files.
- Download and install 7zip.
- Right click the Ansys Zip file you downloaded > select 7-Zip, then select Extract to [x]Filename
- Browse to the extracted folder and follow HOW TO - Install Ansys Software.