Installation & Licensing Center
ERROR - "FATAL ERROR: Port 1084 is in use." when installing Ansys License Manager
Authored by Matthew Trachimowicz
February 8th, 2022
When installing the Ansys License Manager you receive the following error:
FATAL ERROR: Port 1084 is in use. The Tomcat server cannot be started until this port is free. The licensing configuration cannot continue until this issue is resolved. Exiting.
Software & Version
Ansys License Manager 2022R1 on Windows.
*This example was taken from this version, but is not necessary limited to this version.
This is due to another running program or service that is already using port 1084.
To determine what is using port 1084, open a command prompt, type the following then hit enter:
netstat -ano | findstr 1084
This should return a line with a Process ID (PID) at the end. Next, take that PID and replace the xxxxx with the discovered PID in the following command.
tasklist /svc /FI "PID eq xxxxx"
Once the offending process has been found, you will need to either stop and disable that service or change the port to something other than 1084 and restart the Ansys License Manager installation.
In the example above, you can see the PID using port 1084 was 11744 and the corresponding process was javaw.exe.