Installation & Licensing Center
ERROR - This type of license file must be appended...
Authored by Caleb Scharf
October 24th, 2024
When installing license file in the LMC > you receive the following error message:
2021/09/20 18:14:42: Error: This type of license file must be appended to the end of the existing license file that is already installed on your machine. However, the SERVER information in the new license file does not match the SERVER information in the existing license file, as is required. Therefore, this license file will not be installed.
Software & Version
Ansys License Management Center Version 2021R2
*This example was taken from this version, but is not necessary limited to this version unless otherwise noted in the description.
Possible Causes
- The license that is already installed was issued to the different HostID. Both HostID's were accurate for the system, however, one license was issued to the mac address and the other was issued to the DiskID.
- The license file you are attempting to install is already installed.
*The cause(s)/solution(s) we identified in this documented instance may not be the only cause(s)/solution(s) for this error.
Solution to Cause A
- Open up all license files in a text editor
- Are the HostId's the same?
- NO - You will need to Perform a License Server Change
YES - Attempt to HOW TO - Reset Your Ansys License File.
Note: Modifying your HostID manually will not work.
Solution to Cause B
- Verify if the license file is already installed by viewing the installed license file in this location:
"C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared Files\licensing\license_files\ansyslmd.lic"
- If the license file is present, it does not need to be installed and no action is needed.