Installation & Licensing Center
ERROR - Prerequisite error "MS ASP.NET Hosting Bundle 6.0.8"
Authored by Caleb Scharf
July 26th, 2023
When installing Ansys, you receive the following error message.
There was a problem installing the following prerequisites:
MS ASP.NET Hosting Bundle 6.0.8
Would you like to re-try?
If the installation of the prerequisites fails after multiple attempts, please attempt to install the prerequisites yourself, or contact your system administrator.
Software & Version
Ansys Mechanical 2023 R1
*This example was taken from this version but is not necessarily limited to this version.
This occurred because a newer version of Microsoft .NET Runtime was installed on the system and a bug in the Ansys/.net installer behavior. Ansys wants to install an older version and Microsoft is telling the Ansys installer it doesn't need to because a newer version is already installed.
- Right Click the Start Menu > Select Installed Apps > Search for .net
- Uninstall Microsoft .NET runtime (any versions above 6.0.8)
- Restart your computer.
- Re-Install Ansys
- If other software requires it, you can now re-install the latest version of Microsoft .NET Runtime available from Microsoft HERE, and it will not interfere further with the operation of Ansys. This is typically not required as core .NET updates are included with Automatic Updates (ie. .NET 6.0 Update - September 13, 2022 (KB5017915) - Microsoft Support)