Installation & Licensing Center
ERROR - Workbench Toolbox Does Not Load
Authored by Caleb Scharf
July 20th, 2023
When opening Workbench 2021 R2 you receive connection errors and or the toolbox doesn't load correctly or hangs all together when launching.
Connection timed out while reading data. The application has stopped waiting for a reply. The License server may be experiencing a high demand or a temporary outage. Try again later.
Not connected to a server for licensing client proxy actions
Not connected to a server for Licensing Client Proxy actions. Connection timed out while reading data. The application has stopped waiting for a reply. The licensee serer may be experiencing a high demand or a temporary outage. Try again later.
Software & Version
Workbench 2021 R2
*In older versions Workbench gives an error and doesn't open the application. With Workbench 2021 R2, Workbench will give errors but will still open with issues.
This is caused by an issue connecting to the License Server and checking out licenses. The license server may not be specified or the license server may not be running. Workbench requires a connection to the server to know what increments are needed to load into Workbench. Although you can click through the errors to get to the main screen of Workbench, it will fail to operate properly.
When workbench opens, it queries the license server and populates the toolbox with the software tools you are licensed for. It should look something similar to the picture below.
Continue to the following article: HOW TO - Test & Fix License Manager Connectivity Issues