Installation & Licensing Center
HOW TO - Rule out your Model, Ansys Version & Computer as the Cause
Authored by Caleb Scharf
August 29th, 2023
The software installation isn't always the problem. The model/project, Ansys Version and OS/Computer can also be the cause of errors. The following steps, which should be performed sequentially, will help you rule out the model, Ansys version and computer as the cause.
For the best results, we recommend performing these steps sequentially when possible.
Rule Out the Ansys Model as the Cause
Can you repeat the problem using a different model on the same computer with the same software version?
NO: This often indicates a problem with the model.
- To confirm though, please continue with the next step.
YES: This often indicates a corrupt Ansys installation (or less likely a software version bug)
- Please continue with the next step.
Rule Out the Ansys Version as the Cause
Backup Your Project Before Proceeding
Opening a model/project in a newer version of Ansys will update the model/project and you will not be able to return to the previous version. Perform this step using a copy of your project.
Can you repeat the problem with the same model using the latest version of Ansys on the same computer?
NO: This strongly indicates a corrupt Ansys installation (or less likely a bug in the software).
- If using the newer version is not a permanent solution, Comprehensively Reinstall Ansys.
- If that does not resolve the issue, continue to the next step.
YES: This often indicates a problem with the model.
- Please contact SimuTech Support for further assistance from an engineer who can help you debug the model.
Rule Out the Computer as the Cause
Can you repeat the problem with the same model on a different computer, running the same version?
- NO: This strongly indicates a corrupt Ansys installation or OS/Hardware
YES: This often indicates a problem with the model or possibly, but less likely, a bug in the software.
- Please contact SimuTech Support for further assistance.
If you're unable to run your model on a different computer or different version, please reach out to SimuTech Support and we'd be happy to help if you can send us your model.