Installation & Licensing Center
ERROR - Switching Network Connections Checks Out Another License
Authored by Aaron Schedlin September 20th, 2024 2468 views 0 likes KB1965103
Switching network adapters or VPN connections causes an additional license to check out. Example: Connected on ethernet, you disconnect and connect to wifi
Software & Version
Ansys 2023 R1 or later
*This documented instance of this error occurred in this version but is not necessarily limited to this version.
FlexLM sees the change in IP address as a new connection and issues a license, if available.
*The cause(s) we identified in this documented instance may not be the only cause(s) for this error.
This bug is targeted to be fixed in 2023 R2. In the meantime, please refer to: HOW TO - Release a Stuck/Reserved/Abandoned License on how to release the abandoned license.