Installation & Licensing Center
INFO - Ansys 3rd Party Software & Hardware Support
Authored by Caleb Scharf
December 31st, 2021
- What is Ansys strategy and future plans for Operating System and platform support?
- What Operating Systems and version is Ansys compatible with?
- What 3DConnexion SpaceMouse products does Ansys support ? (an advanced computer mouse designed for CAD)
- What internet browsers and versions does Ansys support?
- What 3rd Party CAD Products Integrate with Ansys?
- Examples: ACIS, AutoCAD, CATIA, Creo, Fusion 360, IGES, Inventor, JT, Monte Carlo N-Particle, NX, Parasolid, Revit, Rhinoceros, SketchUp, Solid Edge, Solidworks, SpaceClaim, STEP
- What graphics cards has Ansys tested and officially support?
- Examples:
- Nvidia - Quadro GV, Quadro P, Quadro RTX, Quadro T, RTX, T
- AMD - Radeon Pro, Ryzen, Ryzen Pro
- Examples:
- What GPU Accelerators does Ansys support? (Graphics cards that can be used to decrease simulation solving time)
- What Job Scheduler and Queuing Systems does Ansys Support?
- What Message Passing Interface (MPI) Support for Parallel Computing does Ansys Support?
- What Remote Display and Virtual Desktop platforms and applications does Ansys support? (Windows Remote Desktop, Nice DCV, VNC, etc)
Please see the platform support documents found on the Ansys website here: