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ERROR When attempting to use more than four processing cores, one of the following, or a similar error, occurs: Unable to spawn node: license not available. ANSYS LICENSE MANAGER ERROR:Not enough HPC Parallel licenses 6/4 Hit return to exit. ANSYS LICENSE MANAGER ERROR: Not enough HPC Paralell licenses 6/4 *** ERROR - Insufficient HPC licenses avail
Error When attempting to import a SolidWorks or Catia file into Electronics Desktop, you receive an error that the translator is not installed: Error Text: Translator installation for CATIA V5 and SOLIDWORKS import not found. Description/Cause The translator necessary is not included with the Electromagnetics suite, and must be installed separately.
Error When attempting to access Shared Web Licensing, after signing into their Ansys account the user receives an error that their user is not recognized. Error: User "<email address>" is not recognized and/or is not associated with any account Diagnostic: UserNotRecognizedError; Please verify that user "<email address>" is associated wi
Description Within Remote Solve Manager, there are numerous terms to understand to properly follow installation, configuration, and maintenance tasks. Solution RSM Roles & Terminology When working with Remote Solve Manager (RSM), there are a few essential terms to understand regarding the components of RSM: Term Definition Job A processing task
Description Ansys has many different resources and portals. The following guide should help you discover, understand and locate these resources. Solution Resource/Portal Preview Description Ansys Customer Portal Software Downloads Search for Errors & Solutions Tutorials & Training Materials Class 3 Errors (errors that effect simulation acc
Error When opening DesignModeler, users receive an error that the licensed number of users has already been reached. Failover feature 'Ansys BladeModeler' is not available. Insufficient ANSYS BladeModeler licenses available. License number of users already reached. Feature: acfx_bldmdlr License path: FlexNet Licensing Error: -4,132 Description/Cause
Description RSM is uninstalled when a full uninstall of Ansys is performed. The RSM components can also be removed independently of a full uninstallation. Solution RSM can uninstalled as a stand-alone package: In Windows Search, search for Uninstall Ansys [Product Version], and right click, and Run as Administrator. In the Product Uninstallation Wi
Description Installing the RSM Launcher Service will ensure the necessary services for Remote Solve Manager to start automatically when the workstation starts up. Solution Installing the RSM Launcher Service (Windows) To configure the RSM launcher service to start automatically with Windows: Verify that no Ans.Rsm processes are running In Start, sea
Description Removing the RSM Launcher Service will prevent the necessary services for Remote Solve Manager from starting automatically with the workstation. Solution Info The RSM launcher service is automatically uninstalled when you uninstall RSM Uninstalling the RSM Launcher Service (Windows) To uninstall the RSM launcher service on Windows,
Error After a license issued after 8/9/21 has been installed, users launching SpaceClaim receive one of the following messages: Capability ANSYS SpaceClaim Direct Modeler does not exist in the ANSYS licensing pool. None of the products enabling this capability are available in the specified license path: ANSYSLI_SERVERS: FLEXlm Servers: The
Description Some Ansys settings are configured via Environment Variables, a component in the Windows operating system. Environment variables are typically written as VARIABLE_NAME=VARIABLE_VALUE. Solution Warning Ansys utilizes System environment variables (unless otherwise noted in the guide/instructions you are following), and you'll need Local A
Description For many Remote Solve Manager (RSM) configuration tasks, it is important to verify no RSM related processes are running at the time the configuration is changed or a command is executed. Solution There are multiple ways to check if there are any processes running, see the options below: Solution #1 - via Command Prompt (Windows) In the S
Error Ansys 2020 R2 had been configured to connect to a local, FlexLM based license server. The Ansys suite has now been reconfigured to utilize elastic licensing for all users, and the license server specification for the local license server has been removed. When launching Ansys applications, the user receives an error that Ansys could not conne
Description Important Update In 2024r1, there have been significant improvements to limit the causes requiring you to manually release licenses. For more info, see INFO - Ansys License Disconnect Timeout Overview There may be occasions where you need to manually release a reserved, stuck or abandoned/ghost licenses. Stuck and ghost licenses mo
Description Creating a cube and apply gravity creates a simple simulation that can be used for testing solving in Mechanical. This can be helpful when troubleshooting issues. Solution Open Workbench > double-click Static Structural to add this analysis system to the Project Schematic. RMB on the Geometry cell and choose New SpaceClaim Geometry.
Description RSM is installed by default with many Ansys software packages, however it can also be downloaded and installed separately. Solution Sign in to the Ansys Customer Portal. Info Trouble accessing the customer portal? Check out this page: Accessing the Ansys Customer Portal In the navigation menu, choose Downloads > Current Release. If
Error In CAD Configuration Manager, the Autodesk Inventor Workbench Associative Interface fails to configure successfully, failing with the error: <<Inventor PlugIn>> No valid Inventor installation detected Description/Cause Due to a mismatch with two registry keys, CAD Configuration Manager is unable to properly identify the version of
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